Chain Bucket Elevator
Tsubaki Conveyor Systems India is premium supplier of Chain Bucket Elevators with wide range suitable for all applications in Cement and other process plants.
Provided with TSUBAKI double strand bushed roller chain – made of special alloy steel,
which has high resistance to shock loads resulting in low sprocket wear.
- Models from NBH (S) 300 to NBH (S) 015
- Capacity range up to 2500 TPH
- Chain Speed up to 90 m/min (1.5 m/s)
Supplied more than 1300 elevators.
Three types viz. NBS, NBH and NBC – depending upon the conveying capacity, height and the characteristics of the material handled.
Casings are precision pressed – having in-built stiffeners.
Provided with fabricated steel buckets. Each bucket is bolted to the chain directly – on either side – through a specially designed link plate.
Chains with different material of construction available to suit various applications
Drive sprocket can be offered in segmented rim construction – for facilitating replacement.
Tail casing is provided with a pair of high chrome bush bearings – fully enclosed within the casing – eliminating possibility of dust leakage.
Provided with a self-adjusting internal gravity take-up arrangement.
Provided with safety switches such as zero speed switch, boot level indicator and electronic shock relay.
Download Standard Dimensions PDF |
Chain Cross Section
Chain Link
Side Mounted Bucket
Materials Handled such as
Raw Meal
Fly ash
Soda ash